Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


OTMedia (2011-2013), 150Keuros

Participants : Alexis Joly, Julien Champ, Pierre Letessier.

The Transmedia Observatory project, launched in November 2010, aims to develop processes, tools and methods to better understand the challenges and changes in the media sphere. Studying and tracking media events on all media (web, press, radio and television) are the two prioritized research areas. OTMedia brings together six partners: Inria (Zenith), AFP (French Press Agency), INA (French National Audiovisual Institute), Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle (researchers in Information Science and Communication), Syllabs (a SME specialized in semantic analysis and automatic creation of text) and the Computer Science Laboratory of Avignon University. Zenith addresses more specifically the research challenges related to the trans-media tracking of visual contents (images and videos) and the clustering of heterogeneous information sources.


Datascale (2013-2015), 250Keuros

Participants : Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia, Saber Salah, Patrick Valduriez.

The Datascale project is a “projet investissements d’avenir” on big data with Bull (leader), CEA, ActiveEon SAS, Armadillo, Twenga, IPGP, Xedix and Inria (Zenith) . The goal of the project is to develop the essential technologies for big data, including efficient data management, software architecture and database architecture, and demonstrate their scalability with representative applications. In this project, the Zenith team works on data mining with Hadoop MapReduce.

Xdata (2013-2015), 125Keuros

Participants : Emmanuel Castanier, Patrick Valduriez.

The X-data project is a “projet investissements d’avenir” on big data with Data Publica (leader), Orange, La Poste, EDF, Cinequant, Hurence and Inria (Indes, Planete and Zenith) . The goal of the project is to develop a big data plaftform with various tools and services to integrate open data and partners’s private data for analyzing the location, density and consuming of individuals and organizations in terms of energy and services. In this project, the Zenith team heads the workpackage on data integration.


RTRA Pl@ntNet (2009-2013), 1Meuros

Participants : Alexis Joly, Hervé Goëau, Julien Champ, Saloua Litayem, Mathias Chouet.

The Pl@ntNet project http://www.plantnet-project.org/ was launched in 2009 by a large international consortium headed by three groups with complementary skills (UMR AMAP (http://amap.cirad.fr/en/ ), IMEDIA project team at Inria, and the French botanical network TelaBotanica (http://www.tela-botanica.org/ )), with financial support from the Agropolis Foundation. Due to the departure of Nozha Boujemaa from the head of IMEDIA and the mobility of Alexis Joly in 2011, Zenith has been entrusted with the Inria's management and scientific coordination of the project in spring 2012. The objectives of the project are (i) to develop cutting-edge transdisciplinary research at the frontier between integrative botany and computational sciences, based on the use of large datasets and expertise in plant morphology, anatomy, agronomy, taxonomy, ecology, biogeography and practical uses (ii) provide free, easy-access software tools and methods for plant identification and for the aggregation, management, sharing and utilization of plant-related data (iii) promote citizen science as a powerful means to enrich databases with new information on plants and to meet the need for capacity building in agronomy, botany and ecology.

CIFRE INA/Inria (2011-2013), 100Keuros

Participants : Alexis Joly, Pierre Letessier.

This CIFRE contract with INA allows funding a 3-years PhD (Pierre Letessier). This PhD addresses research challenges related to content-based mining of visual objects in large collections.

CIFRE INA/Inria (2013-2016), 100Keuros

Participants : Alexis Joly, Valentin Leveau, Patrick Valduriez.

This CIFRE contract with INA allows funding a 3-years PhD (Valentin Leveau). This PhD addresses research challenges related to large-scale supervised content-based retrieval notably in distributed environments.

CNRS INS2I Mastodons (2013), 30Keuros

Participants : Florent Masseglia, Esther Pacitti [leader] , Patrick Valduriez.

This project deals with the problems of big data in the context of life science, where masses of data are being produced, e.g. by Next Generation Sequencing technologies or plant phenotyping platforms. In this project, Zenith addresses the specific problems of large-scale data analysis and data sharing.